Contraindications and When Not To Receive Divine Massage Therapy
There are several contraindications in presence of which, Divine Massage Therapy is not recommended. These include skin diseases, infections, eczema, burns and other manifestations which could spread or worsen, and it should not be performed on regions which have recently undergone a surgical procedure, until the tissue heals completely. The therapy should also be avoided during menstruation.
Given the diversity of suffering and the particularity of its manifestations, as well as the evolution of the problem in each specific case, a precise list of contraindications cannot be devised.
Treatments are usually not performed on people who suffer from hemophilia, contagious diseases such as syphilis, tuberculosis or acute hepatitis C, on psychiatric patients (in cases of paranoia and similar conditions), on people with glaucoma, herpes zoster, inflammation of veins (phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, venous ulcers…) and spinal disc herniation in its acute phase.
Lastly, Divine Massage Therapy should not be performed on a patient that had a rich meal in the last two hours.